Sub Themetic Details

Author : Zodape-ST.
Address :
Abstract : Seaweeds as a biofertilizer.
Journal : Journal-of-Scientific-and-industrial-Research,
Volume No. : 60(5)
Publish Year : 2001
Page No. : 378-382
Main Data : Seaweeds are large plants growing in the sea as marine algae like rockweeds, kelps, sea lettuce and dulses. Dried, fresh or liquid seaweed extracts are being used by horticulturists, gardeners, farmers and orchadists as fertilizers since they contain microelements and plant growth regulators like cytokinins. They are commercially available as Maxicrop, Seasol, SM3, Kelpak and Cytokin. Seaweed extracts enhance seed germination, increase plant nutrient uptake, increase plant resistance against frost and fungal diseases, are effective for ripening of fruits, increase shelf-life of produce, and are an excellent soil conditioner.
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